Category: Job Hunt Tips

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Extreme Candidate Makeover – 2017

Enter the Extreme Candidate Makeover for a chance to win a job hunting consultation from Deluxe Recruiters!

At Deluxe, we strive to be known for our array of top-notch products and services for small businesses, financial institutions, and individual consumers. Another cornerstone of our corporate culture is to establish a presence as an employer that provides resources to job seekers that will aid them in becoming the best candidates that they can be.

Our Extreme Candidate Makeover contest aims to do just that. Enter today for a chance to win a job search consultation by Deluxe Recruiters!
Entering is a breeze. Simply follow the link and type up a brief explanation as to why you deserve to win. Entries will be accepted from November 27th – December 10th. Voting will begin December 11th and run through December 17th. The top three vote-getters will win a job hunting consultation from Deluxe Recruiters on the finer points of resume writing, interviewing for a job or managing your social media presence.

Click here for more info and to ENTER TODAY!

Extreme Candidate Makeover

Extreme Candidate Makeover – 2016!

Extreme Candidate Makeover – Enter today to win a consultation from our recruiters!

At Deluxe, we strive to be known for our array of top-notch products and services for small businesses, financial institutions, and individual consumers. Another cornerstone of our corporate culture is to establish a presence as an employer that provides resources to job seekers that will aid them in becoming the best candidates that they can be.

Our Extreme Candidate Makeover contest aims to do just that. Enter today for a chance to win a job search consultation by Deluxe Recruiters!
Entering is a breeze. Simply follow the link and type up a brief explanation as to why you deserve to win. Entries will be accepted from November 14th – November 20th. Voting will begin November 21st and run through December 4th. The top three vote-getters will win a job hunting consultation from Deluxe Recruiters on the finer points of resume writing, interviewing for a job or managing your social media presence.

Click here for more info and to enter.

Time Management

Time Management During Your Job Hunt

Time Management is such an important skill, applicable to many aspects of your professional life. This is particularly the case during one very essential phase of your career – the job search.

It can be very helpful to adhere to a schedule during your time on the job hunt. One way to do this is to map out various duties throughout your day. Structuring your time can help with avoiding distractions and keeping you on track with your objectives. Short term goal setting can also be an effective exercise in driving activities to focus on throughout the day.

Click below to hear Mike from Deluxe Talent Acquisition talks about the importance of Time Management.

Be sure to check out our other Vlog episodes here.

Resume Writing

Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing – How to get the most out of this essential document.

Last week on Twitter, we asked a simple question to our job seeking followers:

For those of you who responded, here it is! Today we will cover three quick tips for resume writing, a fundamental and essential element of your job search:

Resume Writing

Your resume is major part of the job search and could in fact, be the determining factor in whether or not you land a job. Here are a few things to keep in mind when drafting yours.

  • Make it VERY clear why you would be a good fit for the role

Make sure to draw parallels between your own professional experience and skills that you have developed in previous positions to the core responsibilities of the position that you’re applying to. When doing this, make sure to…

  •  Be specific

When outlining these parallels, it’s beneficial to highlight key accomplishments. Try to be as specific as possible. See below for an example of what someone in Sales might include on their resume.

Ex. “Eclipsed monthly sales goals by at least 15% every month throughout Q4 2015”

This is going to show the Recruiter or Hiring Manager precisely how this candidate performed in their previous role and will give them some insight as to what they could expect from them as an employee of their organization.

  • Pay attention to detail

Attention to detail is one of the most common attributes that candidates list as a strength. If you’re going to include it, LIVE IT! This should go without saying, but make sure that you double or even triple check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. A slip-up in any one of these areas can cost you your chance of landing the job.

If you have any additional questions regarding resume writing, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment and I’ll gladly get back to you.

Also, if you have any suggestions on any other job seeking topics, go ahead and leave that in the comment section as well.

And of course, if you’re currently on the job hunt, be sure to visit our official careers site to view all of our available positions.